'Oh!' exclaimed the man. 'What a surprise! What shall we do with it?'
'I know,' said his wife. 'We'll ask a policeman.'
So they found a policeman and explained what had happened.
'Mmm,' said the policeman, 'I think the best thing is to take it to the zoo.'
'What a good idea!' said the woman. 'We'll go there straight away.'
The next morning the policeman was walking down the same street when he saw the couple again with the penguin. 'I thought I told you to take that penguin to the zoo,' the policeman said.
'Well, we did,' said the man. 'We took it to the zoo and we all had a really good time. So this afternoon we're taking it to the cinema, and this evening we're going to have a meal in a fish restaurant.'
Level: Intermediate
Book: New Headway (English Course)
Year: 1996
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